April 30, 2013

So much for our Redbox night.

It was to be our last weekend as a family of five.

We had very well thought-out plans to relax. You know, rent a Redbox movie, take the girls to the drive-in and gets as much sleep as possible.

God is currently belly laughing at our plans.

I wasn't surprised when my phone started ringing around noon on the afternoon of Friday, April 26th and the words "Angels: Kathleen" popped up on my screen. It's not strange for her to call and check-up on us occasionally. She chatted a little and asked how we were doing and if we were ready for this next chapter in our journey and I giddily talked about how perfectly prepared we were. Those were my last thoughts before she uttered the words, "We received a call last night.".

In a single moment our plans changed.

I can only imagine Johnathon's thoughts as I stared at him bug-eyed and tried to sign with my only available hand that I was currently receiving THE CALL. I frantically searched for a pen and started jotting down every word that Kathleen had to say.

I suddenly didn't feel so ready or prepared.

I told Kathleen that we would call her back and between our giggles of excitement, Johnathon and I weighed the situation and determined whether or not we were up for this challenge. Um, heck yes we were!!

I quickly called her back and accepted the placement.

I left Johnathon with all five kids (ours, plus the two that I babysit) and sprinted up the stairs to shower. As the hot water was pouring down on me, I couldn't help but think of how everything was changing. This was our last day as a family of five. This was my last shower for awhile where I wouldn't feel bad for staying in until my fingers were a wrinkled mess. This little phone call was changing our daughters' lives forever. I was out of there and dressed in five minutes, but it felt much more like an hour.

I had hardly put the brush to my wet tangled hair when my phone rang again and my heart stopped. It was the social worker from the hospital and she had a few questions to ask along with a little more information. That's when we learned that our precious little foster baby would be ready for pick-up this weekend.

I made the appropriate phone calls and my dear friends came to the rescue offering up their pack-n-play, a bounce chair, TONS of clothes and even more support.

I'm not sure how I got any sleep that night, but what little sleep I did get was peaceful and sound.

Johnathon had a volunteer that Saturday morning at a local beach and I agreed to join him as we waited for a phone call from the hospital. By 11am I could hardly stand the wait and made the call myself. I was disappointed when I learned that the baby would probably be spending another night in the hospital and that I would get a call after the doctors made their rounds.

We picked up the girls and got home when I noticed I had a new voicemail.


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