April 26, 2013

I just want everyone to know.

I'm going to brag a little bit and when I am finished, you should know why I need to.
You see, I really do have the best husband and at least I can acknowledge that.
I really struck gold when I met this guy and I thank God everyday that he is the father of my children.

When we found out that we were not only pregnant, but were expecting twins, he didn't let the fact that he had NEVER changed a diaper hold him back. You better believe that he grabbed the nearest stuffed animal and got to work practicing.
When we were told that 'Oops!' it wouldn't be a boy and a girl like we had thought, but TWO little girls, he smiled and told me to call my mom so she could buy them matching dresses. 

When we welcomed our third daughter into the world he started the most treasured tradition in our home...letting Mommy sleep in both Saturday AND Sunday.
This amazing man has graciously accepted bath time and bedtime duties and allows me to relax for a few minutes before we read them their bedtime stories at night.

He may only know how to make spaghetti, but it tastes pretty good on those nights when I just DO NOT want to cook.
I truly love watching him teach our daughters the joy of volunteering. On average, about twice a month he has all three of them out cleaning or restoring some canyon or hiking trail. 

He is such a good role model for them and they see daily what hard work and determination really is. He is showing them that they can achieve anything when they put their mind to it.
He doesn't bat an eye when I sweetly ask him to watch not only our three girls, but the two neighbor girls as well, so my friend, Sarah, and I can have a 'Girls' Day'.

I love that he not only allows our girls to jam some Justin Bieber in the van, but he is also the one buying the CDs for them.
I can't help but giggle when I turn the corner and catch him dancing and twirling to Taylor Swift and making an extremely average night simply magical in the eyes of his 5 year old little girls. 

I love him for being understanding and opening his heart to foster care. I was very honest with him years ago when I said that one day I would be a foster mother. He was also very honest when he gave me a weird look and quickly shot down my idea thinking only of the stereotypical foster homes.
I have enjoyed watching him transform from a wild and crazy teenage boy into the amazing man that he is today. He is a wonderful husband and outstanding father.
I love you, babe!

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