June 6, 2010

A little Mommy help, PLEASE!

I know all you really care about are the pictures of my adorable little girls, but I'm in need of some serious mommy help. My girls will be 3 years old in a matter of weeks (3 to be exact) and they are currently potty trained during the day. The diapers come off first thing in the morning and they both use the restroom all day long. Of course diapers are used whenever they go to sleep because they can't seem to hold it...especially Allison.

I have tried putting their learning potty in their room, but it ends up on the floor! I've tried making them use the restroom before I lay them down...doesn't work. I even left their bedroom door open one day so they could use their own bathroom toilet...NOT a very good idea. haha.

The only thing that seems to work is putting a diaper on them...which I am okay with. However, this brings up my next problem. They won't leave their diapers on. I have even resulted in duck taping the diapers onto them. The tape goes all the way around their waist and I even tuck the end of the tape into the diaper so they can't pull it off. Well, maybe it's because there are two of them and they work together, but they have figured out my little trick. I am out of ideas. There is nothing I can do to keep their diapers on.

What happens when they get their diapers off?? They go on the floor of course! DISGUSTING does not even begin to describe it. I can't tell you the number of times I have gotten on my hands and knees to pick up their 'business' or how many bottles of febreeze have been used in their room. It's horrible!

How do I handle the situation? I've done everything...talking to them and trying to explain what they should and shouldn't do, time out, spanking and yelling, rewarding them when the diapers stay on, and in very rare occasions, I made them help me clean it. Some days are better than others and no, I don't always handle the situation in the best way. I'm desperate!

Does everyone honestly go through this much trouble, or am I the only lonely mommy that deals with it? Is it a twin thing? A girl thing? A 2 year old thing? HELP!

I'm open to just about anything.

I am at a loss as to what I should do now.

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lori said...

Ummmmm you're the only one! LOL No idea unless maybe they could be seperated at nap time since they don't do it at night. but you're a room short for that.

One Crazy Mommy said...

You could try pull-ups, I know they are just as easy, if not easier, to remove, but they might like them better. I have a seven year old I potty trained at 3 years and she still had accidents until 5. About a month ago, she started doing it again for attention. Hard with three children, but maybe some alone Mommy time.

Josh and Nancy said...

I second the pull up idea. My daughter wore pull-ups at night and nap tie long after she was potty trained. Many kids still wear pulls at 6 at night because they sleep so deep. I have alslo heard of parents waking kids up in the middle of the night to take their deep sleepers potty. Also, my oldest was 75% potty trained when the twins were born, then we regressed. It is a control issue, and so when they feel like they have control of something they use it. I am not anywhere close with the twins. Hang in there, mommyhoos is tough and you look like you are doing a great job! Try the pull ups, they are less bulky then diapers!

BARBIE said...

Wow, I don't know. If it was me and it went on this long I'd probably just tell them the diapers are gone and they've got to figure it out. If they mess on the floor then they have to (help) clean it up. But it sounds like you've probably already done that. Maybe if you let them pick out a super special pair of nap time panties at the store- something they really like- and only let them wear them at nap time. Like when you'd normally put a diaper on them, instead put those panties on. Then tell them if there is an accident in the panties you can't wash them, they have to be thrown away. If they have an accident on the floor then they don't get to wear the special panties anymore and will have to go back in diapers until they are big enough to show they won't have accidents. Girls love fashion so maybe the panties approach would work. Especially if one has to go back into diapers and the other gets to keep her special panties. The peer pressure approach might work...

And if that doesn't work then as soon as I get me magic mommy wand I'll let you borrow it :) Good luck!

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