I have been very blessed with the men in my life. Each and every one of them have impacted my life in so many ways. On the top of my list? My Daddy-O!
Everyone says I look just like him.
What do you think? :)
Everyone says I look just like him.
What do you think? :)
I love you, Dad!
. . .
It's funny really, I have always known Johnathon would be a great dad. Just watching the way he was with my nieces, I knew he would love and cherish his own children.
From day one he has been hands on.
Here he is with Allison.
Being a father is one thing, but to be a father of twins takes skill. :) He would help with every feeding, change the nastiest of diapers and even let me sleep in on the weekends. He was my rock during that first year.. . .
It's funny really, I have always known Johnathon would be a great dad. Just watching the way he was with my nieces, I knew he would love and cherish his own children.
From day one he has been hands on.
Here he is with Allison.
Halloween 2008
He is one of those protective dads. You know, the ones that are cautious about who is around his children. He is the kind of dad that gets anxiety just walking through Target because having his little girls walk two feet ahead of him would just be devastating. haha. I know that he will always good choices when it comes to our little blessings.
January 2009
Johnathon is a master at giving baths and takes pride in his bath giving abilities! That is his time with the kids (just the twins as of now). A time for him to make them laugh and create memories. They color with their bath crayons, blow their bubbles all over the floor, and there is usually an inch of water surrounding the tub when they are finished.
July 2009
January 2009
Johnathon is a master at giving baths and takes pride in his bath giving abilities! That is his time with the kids (just the twins as of now). A time for him to make them laugh and create memories. They color with their bath crayons, blow their bubbles all over the floor, and there is usually an inch of water surrounding the tub when they are finished.
July 2009
Johnathon wasn't with us last year and that is something that we will never forget. My heart goes out to those soldiers who are away from their families and children this year. Holidays have never been so important to me as they are now. Knowing that next year, and the year after, could be drastically different and we could thousands of miles away from each other. You just learn to appreciate and enjoy the holidays that you do have together.
We feel so blessed to have Johnathon with us. At home. In our arms. Right where he belongs!
Spring 2010
We feel so blessed to have Johnathon with us. At home. In our arms. Right where he belongs!
Spring 2010
God was really looking out for me when he made this man to be my husband. Someone so thoughtful, but purposeful. Someone so kind, but driven. Someone so fun, but also a disciplinarian.
I could not have created a better friend, husband or father than Johnathon is. He is my everything.
I could not have created a better friend, husband or father than Johnathon is. He is my everything.
I guess the most important thing is how much our girls love him.
There is no one in this world like their daddy. They love his gentle hugs and the way he makes them fly. They look foward to seeing him walk through the door each day and hate to say good-bye. There are things only their daddy could do and that is what makes him so special.
There is no one in this world like their daddy. They love his gentle hugs and the way he makes them fly. They look foward to seeing him walk through the door each day and hate to say good-bye. There are things only their daddy could do and that is what makes him so special.
I personally love how hands on Johnathon can be. He is always right there when I need him. Doing crafts, changing diapers, putting the kids to bed, making dinner if needed, babysitting so I can get some alone time, watching cartoons all day long, he is always up for anything.
I know it must be hard being the only guy in a house with four women and I'm sure it's only something a few men could handle (my dad being one of them as well!!), but he pulls it off. He's cool and collected and doesn't mind picking out frilly dresses and matching colorful bows. With all of that said, I'm also sure he is constantly praying that our next baby is a boy! haha.
Who could blame him? :)
From the bottom of my heart, I love you!
I firmly believe that the best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother...and you do! You are teaching them everyday how a man should treat a woman. That is something that no number of books could teach them, only witnessing it day after day!
Happy Father's Day, Johnathon!
Thank you for everything that you do. We love you with all of our hearts!
xoxo, Your Ladies
Who could blame him? :)
The girls and I let Johnathon sleep in today. Determined not to wake him up!! He walked down the stairs at noon and was served breakfast 5 minutes later. Talk about SPOILED!! haha.
Now he is sitting outside watching Alyssa & Allison swim in their little pool.
We don't have anything else planned for the entire day and we are all looking forward to it. It's nice to have these relaxing weekends with the family.
So, thank you, Johnathon!! For everything you do...and don't do.Now he is sitting outside watching Alyssa & Allison swim in their little pool.
We don't have anything else planned for the entire day and we are all looking forward to it. It's nice to have these relaxing weekends with the family.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you!
I firmly believe that the best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother...and you do! You are teaching them everyday how a man should treat a woman. That is something that no number of books could teach them, only witnessing it day after day!
Happy Father's Day, Johnathon!
Thank you for everything that you do. We love you with all of our hearts!
xoxo, Your Ladies
What a special & sweet post! Happy Father's to the special men in your life!
What a cute post, he looks like a wonderful Daddy!!
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