September 8, 2008

-i must say that i don't normally post twice a day, but lately that seems to be the trend. it just feels like there is so much going on lately and i want to share it will all of you. i would like to update you on my struggle to wean the twins off of the bottle. today was our first full day of "cold turkey" NO BOTTLES. alyssa did great! she had a sippy of milk three times today and ate her food like a champ. i was so proud of her. you can tell from her mannerisms and such that she is growing like a wild flower and changing daily. allison didn't do as well today. she still doesn't know how to suck on her sippy cup. i tried and tried all day long and believe was rough! at one point i thought she had gotten the hang of it because she fell asleep...NOPE! she just gave up. i eventually caved and gave her a bottle before bed. by her not having milk at all during the day, she sure was hungry for "food". every time she saw me getting food ready, she CHARGED me. haha. she came crawling up with her mouth wide open!! i am very proud of how much food she has been eating. hopefully tomorrow is just as good or better for them both.

sometimes i get so frustrated because i feel like my girls on in slow motion. they are very bright little girls and by no means do i think that they are "slow" when it comes to brains and mental knowledge!!! it just feels like they do everything at the pace of a slug. :) allison still only has ONE tooth. (her second is close to coming in) neither girl is great at walking. (alyssa has taken only a few steps, but not regularly) neither girl is talking AT ALL. (they say "mama" and "dada" but don't realize what they are saying) its taken strength and determination to get them to eat table food. (and they are currently still eating 3rd foods because its the only thing they eat very well and a lot of) allison just doesn't get how to use a sippy cup....and YES i have tried more than one kind. i just get so discouraged on most days. its almost like "what am i doing wrong". i know the girls were 3 months early and that makes them only 11 1/2 months corrected, but come on. we can only use the excuse so much. it has become my goal, my mission, my focus to work with these girls and make a difference in them. i know they have the potential to be GREAT and i am going to help them!

johnny had a late watch tonight, so i find myself at home all alone again. (the girls are sound asleep) i guess i should be used to it by now! haha. he should be home tomorrow morning around 7:30. hopefully he comes through the door with breakfast...if i have done anything right, he will! hehe :) here are some pictures from our trip to wal-mart tonight. any and every outing with the twins is a "production"!!

miss allison made all of her daddy's dreams come true
when she got on this little four wheeler! haha
he was so happy to see his little girl
take a liking to this darn thing! :)

that's my little alyssa!! holding a microphone..haha
"here momma, you try!"
haha...alyssa is such a cutie pie!

johnny getting ready to leave for his watch...
yep, i ironed his utilities!! :) i know i'm good!
how lucky am i to live in a place like this??
hehe :) aren't they sweet!
i just love them to pieces
in the check-out line...

God Bless

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