Madelynn is 6 1/2 months old.
She weighs 16lbs and is in the 47% for weight.
She is 28in long and 2 whole in. longer than the average 6 month old baby girl.
Alyssa, Allison
And they love each other.
We've even been practicing our cheerleading moves. :)
Madelynn is our little multi-tasker.
It's usually something their Daddy likes to do with them.

Slides are their favorite.
Mommy & Madelynn
Of course we have to stop the ice cream truck on the way home.
At the end of the day, they're simply best friends.
The first one down.
Usually passing Allison twice before she can get down herself.
It's amazing to watch them interact.
Madelynn has learned to pull herself up onto her knees. She's not quite sure what to do once she gets there, but we are still very excited.
Guess what? She also learned how to sit up...well, kinda. haha.
She can sit up for a few seconds and then slowly falls forward and is stuck. It's super cute to watch and she's only getting better.
Sweet sisters!
Beautiful photos!
Great pictures! What a fun looking crowd. We've got four little girls of our own (ages 3-8 years) and five little boys (ages 10 yrs to 10 months), and they're all doing the same compete-love each other thing.
You really are blessed!
Saw your link on Cafemom.. I enjoyed your blog :)
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